As a business owner in Chicago, you are well aware of just how important access to capital is. Whether you own a startup or your company is well established, you need capital to ensure growth now and in the future. As you have immersed yourself in the area of corporate finance, though, you have learned how regulated capital-raising activities are. You also have likely seen how your funding could be aided by business lawyers knowledgeable in securities law and corporate finance.

Bleakley Law LLC can help. We have a team of securities lawyers and partners who are dedicated to your company’s success in raising capital and to protecting your investments. Read here to learn more about securities, investments, and financial services and how our team of securities lawyers in Chicago can help you, and then contact us today for professional guidance and support.

Corporate finance and securities involves everything from financial services to business regulation. As a business owner, you need to raise capital for your business so you can succeed and grow. This is an important part of your plan when you first begin your business and when you have a successful, long-lasting business. Corporate finance is focused on maximizing shareholder value through both short-term and long-term financial planning.

As you may already have found out, accessing capital is not always as easy as it seems. Even when you have a great idea you know people will want to support, the process of raising money can be timely, costly, and difficult. You must be sure everything is done legally, the right forms are signed in the right places, and it’s a good opportunity for your company.

While you know your business well, raising capital may be new to you. Because of this, new issuances of equity or debt, recapitalization, and other aspects of corporate finance and securities may seem frustrating or even overwhelming.  

This is where our securities lawyers come into the picture.

How A Securities Lawyer Could Help

A securities lawyer has the education, training, and experience necessary to help you access capital that’s right for your business — in a way that’s right for your business. When you work with Bleakley Law LLC, our corporate finance attorneys will provide you with knowledgeable counsel to aid you in your pursuit of additional funding.

When it comes to transactional matters for businesses, there are a variety of compliance and disclosure issues to address because of federal and state securities laws. A securities lawyer knows the nuances and requirements of these laws and can benefit you immensely, while also providing the real counsel you need.

The following matters are some of the ways Bleakley Law LLC can help you with and advise you on corporate finance and securities:

  • Private Offerings (a/k/a Regulation D or Reg D Offerings)
    • Private Placement Memorandum (a/k/a Private Offering Memorandum)
    • Series Seed
    • Angel Rounds
    • Venture Capital
    • Private Equity
  • Crowdfunding
    • Regulation A Offerings (a/k/a Reg A Offerings)
    • Crowdfunding through Portals
  • Secondary Offerings
  • Disclosure Requirements
  • New Issuances of Equity or Debt
    • Common Shares
    • Membership Interests
    • Convertible Debt
    • Preferred Shares
    • Bridge financing
    • Mezzanine financing
    • Debt
    • Warrants or Options
  • Capitalization Structure
  • Common and Preferred Equity
  • Securities Law Compliance
    • Securities Act
    • Securities Exchange Act
    • Investment Company Act Compliance
    • Investment Advisers Act Compliance
    • State “Blue Sky” Compliance
  • Disputes Among Equity Holders
  • Communications with Securities Regulators
  • Recapitalization and Restructuring
  • Business Exit
  • Succession Planning

At Bleakley Law LLC in Chicago, we are dedicated to securities law, business law, and more. If you have questions about types of securities in finance or are unsure whether our securities lawyers can help with a specific scenario within corporate finance and securities, contact us today.

Capital Investments.

Handling capital investments is a time-consuming and detail-focused task, and investment decisions are one of the largest aspects of corporate finance; capital investments can have long-reaching effects on your business, and these effects can be either negative or positive depending on your decision-making process. Rely on our corporate lawyers to help you negotiate and close your important capital investment projects. Our corporate and securities lawyers have the knowledge and counsel you need to help protect your investments.

Investment in Private Companies.

For every company that raises capital, there are investors and lenders on the other side of the transaction. Accredited investors look for opportunities to invest in startup and growth stage companies. Some investors look to invest in mature companies where they perceive less risk. Other investors look to acquire shares in a private company in the secondary market because they believe an initial public offering or other exit may be in the company’s future.

Whatever your goal in buying equity in private companies, Bleakley Law LLC can help you evaluate the legal aspects and risks of your unique opportunity. Our corporate and securities lawyers review private offering documents and subscription agreements and perform due diligence on the companies in which you consider investing. We help investors understand what they are buying and make sure they end up with the right documents to prove ownership.

Investment in Public Companies

You may have options or other equity compensation in the public shares of your current or former employer, or you may have acquired shares through your broker-dealer or investment advisor. We can help you with legal questions or issues that arise related to registration rights, warrants, options, or common shares of stock in public companies. Our corporate and securities attorneys know how to help you on these and many other matters.

How A Corporate Lawyer Can Help

Here at Bleakley & Associates LLC, we advise clients on many different matters when it comes to corporate finance and investments. In addition to our services listed above, we serve private funds and their investors, investment advisers, and broker-dealers.

Regarding investments and corporate finance, our corporate law firm can help you with the following types of issues:

  • Formation
  • Securities Regulation
  • Other Regulatory
  • Operational
  • Legal
  • Compliance
  • Investment
  • Transactional

Investment regulation and the investment industry are constantly changing, but our team of corporate lawyers and partners is well equipped to help you through the process. Our clients’ businesses and investments are important to us, and we combine our knowledge of their businesses and investments with an in-depth, comprehensive understanding of the laws and regulations that play a role in securities, capital formation, and investments. All of this leads to solutions for your business that help you meet your goals.

We have business law experience with the following regulatory requirements:

  • Securities Act of 1933
  • Securities Exchange of 1934
  • Investment Company Act of 1940
  • Investment Advisers Act of 1940
  • State Securities Regulations (“Blue Sky Law”)

Let us help you with capital formation and investments today.

We are a corporate law firm in Chicago with an intimate understanding of how businesses work and what they need to succeed. Corporate finance and securities are large parts of this, and our securities lawyers can help you on your path to success.

Elizabeth Bleakley founded Bleakley Law LLC after having started several small businesses of her own, meaning she knows what it’s like to be a business owner. On top of this experience, she brings her legal experience to the table. Ms. Bleakley has years of experience as a business attorney and more than 10 years of experience working with national financial services companies.

Ms. Bleakley has professional relationships with other trusted professionals in Chicago and she has a team of corporate lawyers on her side; all of these relationships lead to her providing you with the counsel and legal help you need, whether it’s corporate finance or another matter. Our corporate law firm can help you with corporate and transactional law; wills, trusts, and estates; mergers and acquisitions; private equity and venture capital; or employment law.

Contact our corporate law firm in Chicago today to get started with your securities and investment matters and get the financial services help you need.