Looking for a mergers and acquisitions lawyer in Chicago? Bleakley Law LLC is the right fit for you. Our business lawyers can help with company mergers, different types of mergers, business acquisitions, and more. If you have questions about M&A, read our blog and check back regularly for information that could be helpful in your business merger. There are many benefits of mergers, and we’re excited to help you see and enjoy them. We’ll walk you through the entire merger and acquisition process — contact us today and let us help you meet the legal needs of your business.

  1. Business Acquisitions: Representing the Buyer in M&A

    Elizabeth Bleakley was a speaker and moderator in September 2020 for the program Merger & Acquisition Series: Business Acquisitions - Representing the Buyer hosted by the Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA). Topics included how to structure an acquisition, key M&A documents, due diligence,…Read More

  2. Recent Developments in Mergers and Acquisitions

    Our Principal, Elizabeth Bleakley, spoke in March 2022 for an American Bar Association panel on “Recent Developments and Business Necessities in Deal Terms for Mid-Market M&A Transactions.” Topics discussed included earnout provisions, good faith and fair dealing implied covenants, reliance,…Read More

  3. 9 Reasons To Consider An M&A Deal

    There are plenty of large mergers and acquisitions that we all hear about in the news — but M&A deals with small- and medium-sized businesses are actually even more common, even if they don’t make headlines as often. This is partly because there are many reasons the owner of a small- or medi…Read More

  4. Mergers & Acquisitions: 5 Questions Answered

    As a business owner in Chicago, you do all you can to help your business succeed. From putting in long hours to motivating employees, you have done and seen it all. So when a business merger, business sale, or business acquisition opportunity for your business arises, it is only reasonable that you …Read More